About Our
Victoria Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture therapy is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which has been practiced for thousands of years. This ancient healing tradition views optimum health as a delicate balance of yin and yang, which are two opposing, but inseparable forces. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, disease occurs when the balance of yin and yang is disrupted. This imbalance blocks the flow of qi – the vital energy that regulates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical systems, along meridians. Each acupuncture point has specific abilities to be able to adjust the flow of Qi to areas in the body where it is needed, to move blocked or excess Qi, or to nourish Qi that has been depleted.
Western medicine understands acupuncture’s effects within a different framework and there is extensive research supporting the efficacy of Acupuncture as a medical practice. Some scientists believe that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system, signaling the body to release various substances including endorphins, immune system cells, opioids, neurotransmitters, and hormones. These may reduce pain, change how the body perceives pain, and promotes physical and emotional well-being. Some research also indicates that acupuncture influences involuntary central nervous functions, such as blood pressure, blood flow and body temperature regulation.